Dental Services
DSOs and Dental Practices: Our business expertise, combined with our personal approach, proven data analytics, and direct software knowledge, enables DSOs and Dental Practices to truly scale their businesses. Do you have doctors, vendors, and staff complaining about problems that absolutely must be resolved? Are you operationally efficient? We will help you realize efficiencies that give you time to invest on the business.
Dental Vendors: Are you a vendor in the dental industry? Do you know what your DSOs and Dental Practices want from your services? We know how to help you. By focusing on your customer’s priorities, you can differentiate your products and services.
Dental Investors: Are you seeing the revenues and efficiencies you targeted? Is the multiple you targeted being achieved within the timeline you targeted? Let us help you achieve that goal.
By quickly and diligently prioritizing issues that need improvement, our Team will work with you and your leaders to implement solutions that are efficient and sustainable. We are experienced with your vendors, patients, structure, practice management software, accounting, and workflows. We ensure you capture every revenue dollar possible and we statistically analyze your data to negotiate better rates with payers while focusing on your patient satisfaction.
In everything we do, we have your objectives clearly targeted. You will see direct results in your patient satisfaction and volume and your cash flow and EBITDA.
For details of our engagements and return on our client’s investments, please see Selected Engagement Results below.